Premium Membership Benefits

1. Each new TKM procedure added to the app in the future will be free to existing Premium Members.

2. Free access to all live Online or in–person health lectures offered by King Institute for the life of Premium Membership.

3.  30% discount on all TKM and other tuition based Natural Health Seminars and Training through King Institute LLC, for existing Premium Members (live Online or in-person).

4. 10% off on all TKM materials and products, for existing Premium Members.

5. 10% off any first-time health assessment/testing offered by King Institute LLC, which includes custom ZYO Elite testing, Live cell and Dry cell Microscopy, Pulse Frequency Analysis (all microbes), and any other testing offered by King Institute LLC, whether in-person or online distant testing, analysis and counseling, for existing Premium Members.

6. 10% off any first-time Treatments or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, for existing Premium Members.

7. 5% off all follow-through Testing or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, whether in-person or online distant testing, analysis and counselingfor existing Premium Members.

These savings/discounts are huge for only a micro monthly fee. Something that conveys this: taking advantage of even one of the 7 benefits would more than pay for a membership for a year to several years depending on your use of this opportunity.

Rewards: Aside from the free benefits and discounts for Premium Members, we feel it is important for you to know that although the minimal monthly fee may be small, but this cooperative support helps us to reach many others across the country and around the world with the extraordinary help that TKM provides. It not only helps our research and development efforts but also to provide education, materials, and therapy to those in great need that would not normally have another resource option. For years, our outreach has been providing these things to a growing number of countries free of charge to those in desperate need, only limited by additional funds and trained people to reach more. This would not have been possible without the support of people like you, and we sincerely thank you for helping to be a blessing to those in need.

Premium Membership: $9.99 per month (one member)

Premium Membership (Annual option): $99.99 per year

Premium Membership is required for most functions and features of the TKM APP to work properly. 


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  • Primary: (214)-731-9795
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