
Skeptical at first, I’m a believer now!  I’ve not only seen benefits in my own life, I’ve met several people with serious conditions who have experienced amazing results!       

 - Jeff Jones, C.E.O. of J. Levin Productions & Sr. Producer of “Life Today” with James Robinson


With all the troubles in the world today, TKM® is truly God’s instrument to give healing not only physically but emotionally and socially... TKM® has become a vital part of my life... I can’t stop sharing the wonders of TKM® to people around me.       

 - Lucille O. Talusan, 700 Club Asia, CBN


I have found TKM® to be a very powerful Healing Art.  I call it an Art because anything so effective, completely noninvasive and peaceful must be an Art.  TKM® therapy was extremely potent…I believe TKM® is where health restoration needs to go, toward guiding the body to step up to the awesome power it has to heal itself.         

 -Leigh Taylor-Young, Actress, Peyton Place star among many others


I have experienced this Method personally and it is very powerful and effective!

- Burton Goldberg, Alternative Medicine Magazine Editor; Future Medicine Publisher’s Editor


I have found TKM® to be extremely effective!  It has changed my life and many of my patients!

- Dr. William Lee Cowden, M.D., Cardiologist


I am convinced that the Energy System circulation is necessary for total Healing!

- Dr. Daniel A. Logan, Ph.D., L.C.D.C., Psychologist


This is a powerfully effective method. I would be one that would defend this Method to anyone, anywhere, at any time!  

- Dr. Charles Hawes, D.O.


This is a simple but powerful process that anyone can and should learn!

- Dr. Robert Battle, M.D.


I am very happy, this method has given me back my life!  My life seemed at an end and all medical/health professionals were not able to help, then Dr. King and TKM® restored me back to health from the edge of death.   

- Dr. Steve Smith D.D.S.


I strongly affirm Dr. King’s use of TKM® for Healing!

- Senior Pastor Richard E. Schaefer, New Covenant United Methodist Church in Mesquite, Texas

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  • Primary: 8105 Rasor Blvd. Ste. 230, Plano TX 75024 USA
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  • Primary: (214)-731-9795
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  • Primary: info@kinginstitute.org
  • Second: tki@kinginstitute.org