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<p>YES! Your subscription will work for internet website access as well.</p> <p>Just download TKMAPP® on any type phone (iOS or Android), subscribe, and you can use the same login credentials to access the app on the internet. </p> <p>If you do not have a smart phone or simply prefer to use website access to the TKMAPP®, then subscribe from the website and use the login information to access the website of TKMAPP® features anytime from anywhere in the world with access to the internet.</p>

<p>Sharing: Showing the TKMAPP® to family, friends, and even strangers is a great way to help others be aware of the profound benefits and efficacy of TKM®. You can share the TKM® Introductory video, or any emergency procedures and videos to start a conversation, or just be able to help people you encounter daily everywhere!</p> <p>Thousands of people have been sharing about TKM® and helping acquaintances or strangers in every possible place imaginable for many years, but now it is made so much easier with the TKMAPP®. </p> <p>Your membership and sharing the TKM® also supports our outreach ministry to help people with TKM® therapy, training, education, and materials to a world in great need, especially in these times. This includes TKM® Missions and supplying therapy to those with special needs! This is a very important part of our health ministry’s world vision.</p>

<p>1. Ability to search for and find a given TKM® procedure easily. Once the app finds the procedure, it plays a brief video. This allows the member, who may be busy applying TKM® hands-on therapy or a TKM® emergency procedure, to listen to the guidance of the information and instructions provided by the app. Plus, there is a longer informational/instructional video included for each procedure to understand more about the procedure and its application. </p> <p>2. Color graphics will enhance the details of illustrations and we provide a detailed feature that shows illustrations of male or female examples for particular TKM® procedures, like Labor Pain procedure for women. </p> <p>3. Anatomical details are made available relevant to the particular TKM® procedure. Members will be able to see close-up detail of each of the energy sphere’s (locations) of both male and female for learning purposes and for application purposes. </p> <p>4. Also included will be details of spinal locations and other relevant locations to make the application easy for anyone. More will be added as we see ways to improve any aspects of the TKMAPP® for your ease of understanding, use, sharing, and learning how to be more empowered with knowledge of how to help yourself and others through very effective ways available in your hands all the time. </p> <p>5. Links to additional information, free educational material, plus products and resources for sale allow members to access;;; and a soon to be offered TKM® Academy Online (2024). </p> <p>6. At no additional cost each new TKM® procedure will be added to your TKMAPP® as they become available.</p> <p>7. Free, there will be weekly TKM® Procedure Tips sent to your email inbox (these are free but need to be subscribed to). They are a vital part of the TKMAPP® procedures learning process. Plus, includes many health tips for a healthier lifestyle. </p> <p>8. There will be periodic short Healthy Lifestyle tips and articles sent to your email inbox with rotating categories like: Health Articles, Health Tips, Healthy Eating, TKM Q&A Responses, and TKM Testimonials. These are Free but require subscribing!</p> <p>9. As new TKMAPP® upgrades are published members receive them automatically and for free.</p>

<p>Yes! Premium Members of $10 or more per month get 25% off ALL King Institute natural health and TKM® seminars and trainings; 10% off all TKM® related materials/products; 40% off any first-time testing or treatment through King Institute LLC or the Better Heath Center (in-person or distant counseling, analysis and testing); 10% off any tuitions of TKM® Academy; 10% off all follow-through testing or treatment through King Institute LLC or Better Heath Center for the life of your subscription of $10 or more per month. Notice: Nutritional supplementation products are not included.</p> <p>Important: Notify King Institute of your current $10 or more monthly subscription at the time of using the above services, products, or education to make sure your discounts are applied. Discounts and benefits activate after 60 days of Premium subscription of $10 or more. </p>
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