Please Register and Subscribe

$1 - $30/ month

  • Total Quantity Access
  • 30 Procedures
  • Be sure and sign up for the Free TKM App Newsletters for continued TKM education and Health Tips.

    • This App works on all Phones (iOS and Android) as well as a Website access option if you prefer.
    • Total Quantity Access for All Subscription Options
    • 30 Procedures Currently, plus any added in the future
    • Be sure and Sign-Up for the FREE TKM App Newsletters (during subscription process) for continued TKM education and Health Tips, plus special announcements (read more below).

    Get all 30 procedures, including TKM First-Aid Emergency Procedures, plus daily health maintenance procedure (Median), and Instructional and Educational videos.

    All these simple procedures are accomplished by the knowledge we share of how you simply use your two hands that even a child can do easily. All have been professionally deeply vetted (critically reviewed and evaluated for official approval or acceptance) over the years and widely covered by numerous media sources and publications internationally.

    Example Procedures:

    S&S – Stop Bleeding and Seal the wound (internal & external bleeding)

    Stop Anaphylactic shock/allergic reactions

    Stop Asthma attacks

    Burns (super rapid and complete healing; cools burn, relieves pain, stops progression of burn, rapidly heals tissue, and more)

    Extraction (for multiple purposes like insect bites, splinters, infection, pus… )

    Stop Choking (any type by any cause)

    Stop Hiccups/Hiccoughs

    Stop Heart Attacks consistently

    Emotional Stability (Calming)

    Immune Stimulator (Powerful)

    Stop Seizures (all types)

    Reverse Acute Appendicitis consistently

    Sciatica Pain

    Labor Pain (profound relief with no labor interference)

    and Much More...

    1. Any new TKM procedures added to the App in the future will be free to Premium Members.

    2. Free access to all live Online or in–person health lectures offered by King Institute, for the life of Premium Membership.

    3.Continued education includes: Vital Natural Health notifications (multi-topic, like TKM APP Procedure Tips & Edu; Plus Health Tips, Healthy Eating, Health Articles, TKM Testimonies, Q&A responses for a healthier lifestyle for you and family) sent to your email inbox – all FREE for the life of your membership.

    The following discounts are included for subscribers of $10 or more monthly.

    1. 30% discount on All TKM and other Natural Health Seminars and Training (live Online or in-person) through King Institute LLC, for existing subscribers.

    2. 10% discount on all TKM materials and products, for existing subscribers (see online store).

    3. 10% discount on any first-time health assessment/testing offered by King Institute LLC, which includes ZYTO Elite testing, Live cell and Dry cell Microscopy, Pulse Frequency Analysis (all microbes), available whether in-person or online (distance testing via internet, analysis, and consultation) and any other testing offered by King Institute LLC, for existing subscribers.

    4. 10% discount on any first-time Treatments or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, for existing subscribers.

    5. 5% discount on all follow-through Testing or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, available whether in-person or online (distance testing via internet, analysis, and consultation) for existing subscribers.

    6. 10% off any first-time Treatments or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, for existing Premium Members.

    7. 5% off all follow-through Testing or Therapy offered by King Institute LLC, available whether in-person or online (distance testing, analysis and consultation) for existing Premium Members.

    8. Health notifications (multi-topic, like Health Tips, Healthy Eating, Health Articles, TKM Testimonies, Q&A responses) and new procedure tips email notifications.

    These savings/discounts are huge and far exceed whatever level of subscription you choose ($10 or more), possibly for the lifetime of membership. An example of this is: taking advantage of even one of the 5 benefits would more than pay for a membership for a year or several years depending on your use of this opportunity.

    Rewards: Aside from the great benefits and discounts included with your subscription, we feel it is important for you to know that this app will help you and your loved ones in ways too numerous to mention here.

    You will learn much more once subscribed and signed up to receive the free educational emails that continue to explain, educate, and enlighten with health tips that you can share with family and friends for a healthier life.

    Once you’ve had time and opportunity to experience the profound benefits and effectiveness of these super simple TKM procedures – you’ll want to share them with others, and this app will serve another purpose as a great and easy way to “show and tell” people.

    For as little as $1 per month you’ll have in your hand effective lifesaving and health improving simple procedures that even young children can easily apply.

    Single Premium Membership: From as little as $1 to $30 (your choice)

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  • Primary: 8105 Rasor Blvd. Ste. 230, Plano TX 75024 USA
  • Second: --
  • Primary: (214)-731-9795
  • Second: --