About Us

Glenn T. King, doctor of philosophy in Health Science and licensed Dietetic-Nutritionist from the University of the State of NewYork, is the founder and director of the King Institute, LLC in Frisco, Texas. Dr. King is also a clinical nutritionist and member of the I.A.A.C.N. (International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists). He received qualifying requirements for Microscopy Analysis, and he is a member of the A.B.M.P. in Evergreen, Colorado and an alumni of Ministers for Christ Outreach.

Dr. King has studied in diverse natural health recovery theologies and disciplines for over forty-five years. His involvement in the alternative and integrative health field has also included diet, nutrition, exercise and other aspects related to the biochemical reactions in the human body to understand more about true "Cause and Effect."

His focus since the mid 80's has been a rare method that Dr. King says is best understood in physics. It is a study of the subtle bio electromagnetic system of the body he named The King Method® or TKM®. He has authored a dozen books, some are The TKM® Textbook (four volumes), TKM® Self Help Book, The Advanced TKM® Book, TKM® Procedures, and The King Method® E.M.T (Emergency Integrative Medicine Techniques), and the latest Wonderfully Made (A Guide to Help Parents and Parents-to-Be).

He has contributed articles to Alternative Medicine Magazine (issue 10) and written in the publication Alternative Medicine Guide to Heart Disease by the Burton Goldberg Group, among others. He and TKM® are also in Burton Goldberg Group's 2nd edition of Definitive Guide to Alternative Medicine, which is an elective study in several medical universities. He lectures and teaches TKM® internationally. He has developed audio and DVDs media, as well Online live and recorded lectures and training courses for the layperson and physicians providing education and stressing the importance of integrating this rare method to help restore health to bodily functions. He is opening the online TKM Academy in 2022. 

We are a Christian founded (faith-based) and patriotic health organization operating with intent to help all people to the best of our ability. If you have any questions about our organization or staff, please contact us and we will help answer and clarify information.   

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  • Primary: 8105 Rasor Blvd. Ste. 230, Plano TX 75024 USA
  • Second: --
  • Primary: (214)-731-9795
  • Second: --
  • Primary: info@kinginstitute.org
  • Second: tki@kinginstitute.org